Title: Counter Strike Extreme V7
Uploder : Giri Dani
Genre: Action,
Publisher: Valve
Release Date: June 19, 1999
Size: 712 mb
Mirrors: Usercloud
Publisher: Valve
Release Date: June 19, 1999
Size: 712 mb
Mirrors: Usercloud
This game is unlike the other counter strike games. This game requires a
different type of skill. You have to become used to the recoil each
weapon has. You also have to become familiar with the different
advantage points of each map. To play this game with friends is very
fun, you should let your kid have experiences like this. The game
Extreme offers a sense of accomplishment and comradery that is simply
amazing. This one of the greatest esport fps games (if not the greatest)
in the gaming history.
System Requirements
- OS: Windows 2000/XP/7/8
- Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz or Equivalent
- RAM: 1 GB
- Hard Disk: 2 GB Free
- VGA : 512 MB
- Keyboard & Mouse
Link Download
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